Folks enjoying the shade on the Middle Fork Greenway in front of Riverside log cabins at Mystery Hill.
Joggers and cyclists using the Middle Fork Greenway in front of Tweetsie Railroad.
How long will it be?
Around 6.5 miles. It will connect with the existing Boone Greenway, creating almost 15 miles of contiguous trail.
What will it connect to?
The Blue Ridge Parkway, the Mountains-to-Sea trail, Shoppes on the Parkway, Tweetsie Railroad, Mystery Hill, 3 pocket parks and other natural areas, shopping, restaurants, Appalachian Regional Healthcare System’s hospital and new acute care facility.
What is the width & surface?
In most places it will be 10 foot wide asphalt. Some board walking will be required. Also, some areas may be natural surface trail.
How is it being funded?
Funding is being secured through public grants and private donations. Private donations are critical to providing matching funds to attract public dollars. The completed one-mile section was funded by NCDOT, Appalachian Regional Healthcare System, Tweetsie Railroad and many generous private donors.
How much is completed?
Approximately 1.5 miles, with 3 miles in progress.
What activities will be allowed?
Walking, jogging, cycling, rollerblading, skateboarding. There will be no motorized vehicles permitted other than wheelchairs.
Middle Fork of the South Fork New River - future access site of the river on the Middle Fork Greenway!
Existing Middle Fork Greenway between Mystery Hill and Tweetsie Railroad